The focus of this research is to analyze the impact of Brand Equity on Customer Purchase Intention of Toyota Avanza in Indonesia. There are four factors of Brand Equity Elements, such as Brand Awareness, Brand Association, Perceived Quality and Brand Loyalty whcih impact on Customer Purchase Intention. The analytical method used is quantitative analysis. Non probability sampling is used as sampling technique which is judgemental sampling. The result of this research shows that the most dominant variable is Perceived Quality. In this research, the data collected are primary data. Questionnaires send to 100 respondents. Inside the questionnaire, tool for measure the degree of agreement from respondents is Likert Scale. Tests that include in quantitative analysis are reliability and validity test, classical assumptions test, and linear multiple regression to conduct the hypothesis testing through F-test, t-test, and coefficent of determination (R2). Results found in the analysis that two of the brand equity variable measured in this research have significant influence towards customer purchase intention.