Automotive has become one of the most contributing industry to the economy in Indonesia. Thus, its factor determinants are carefully identified. In this quantitative study, the researcher would like to analyze the influence of economic indicators namely crude oil price, consumer confidence, inflation rate, and interest rate towards the car sales number in Indonesia. In this research, the researcher uses the average car sales number of the top five Japanese car brands in Indonesia. The time period is from the year 2007 to 2013. The total samples are 84 which are taken from seven years on monthly basis. This research uses IBM SPSS Statistics and multiple regression analysis as the statistical tool and research method respectively. The result of this research shows that crude oil price and consumer confidence give positive significant influence toward the car sales number while inflation rate and interest rate gives negative insignificant influence to it partially. The most significant factor is the crude oil price. All the independent variables chosen in this research influence the car sales number by 63.9% while 36.1% is influenced by other factors which are not included in this research.