This research study aims to investigate whether there are the significant
influence from Liquidity, Solvency, Profitability, Discounted Cash Flows, and Free
Cash Flow ratios towards going concern (Sustainability) of PT GOTO Tbk. In
measuring all those variables, the researcher used secondary data from Indonesian
Stock Exchange (IDX) with selected population of this study is Indonesia Stock
Exchange during 2021 - 2023 period in Quaterly. The study uses which has selected
15 ratios, with the total of observation data of 180 observation data calculated uses
quarterly data which starting from Q1 2021 until Q4 2023 using SPSS 26. In testing
all the hypothesis, this study uses multiple linear regression analysis technique. The
results reveals that none of the independent variables has influence towards going
concern (Sustainability) of PT GOTO, Tbk. It could be concluded that none of the
financial ratios that researcher used show sinergy each other to influence going